Saturday, December 28, 2019

Creating and Using Resources in Visual Basic 6

After Visual Basic students learn all about loops and conditional statements and subroutines and so forth, one of the next things that they often ask about is, How do I add a bitmap, a wav file, a custom cursor or some other special effect? One answer is resource files. When you add a file using Visual Studio resource files, theyre integrated directly into your Visual Basic project for maximum execution speed and minimum hassle packaging and deploying your application. Resource files are available in both VB 6 and VB.NET, but the way theyre used, like everything else, is quite a bit different between the two systems. Keep in mind that this isnt the only way to use files in a VB project, but it has real advantages. For example, you could include a bitmap in a PictureBox control or use the mciSendString Win32 API. MCI is a prefix that usually indicates a Multimedia Command String.   Creating a Resource File in VB 6 You can see the resources in a project in both VB 6 and VB.NET in the Project Explorer window (Solution Explorer in VB.NET — they had to make it just a little bit different). A new project wont have any since resources arent a default tool in VB 6. So lets add a simple resource to a project and see how that is done. Step one is to start VB 6 by selecting a Standard EXE project on the New tab in the startup dialog. Now select the Add-Ins option on the menu bar, and then the Add-In Manager... This will open the Add-In Manager dialog window. Scroll down the list and find VB 6 Resource Editor. You can just double-click it or you can put a check mark in the Loaded/Unloaded box to add this tool to your VB 6 environment. If you think youre going to use the Resource Editor a lot, then you can also place a check mark in the box Load on Startup and you wont have to go through this step again in the future. Click OK and the Resources Editor pops open. Youre ready to start adding resources to your project! Go to the menu bar and select Project then Add New Resource File or just right-click in the Resource Editor and select Open from the context menu that pops up. A window will open, prompting you for the name and location of a resource file. The default location will probably not be what you want, so navigate to your project folder and enter the name of your new resource file into the File name box. In this article, Ill use the name AboutVB.RES for this file. Youll have to confirm the creation of the file in a verification window, and the a AboutVB.RES file will be created and filled into the Resource Editor. VB6 Supports VB6 supports the following: A string table editor(Edit String Tables...)Custom cursors - CUR files(Add Cursor...)Custom icons - ICO files(Add Icon...)Custom bitmaps - BMP files(Add Bitmap...)Programmer defined resources(Add Custom Resource...) VB 6 provides a simple editor for strings but you have to have a file created in another tool for all of the other choices. For example, you could create a BMP file using the simple Windows Paint program. Each resource in the resource file is identified to VB 6 by an  Id  and a name in the Resource Editor. To make a resource available to your program, you add them in the Resource Editor and then use the Id and the resource Type to point to them in your program. Lets add four icons to the resource file and use them in the program. When you add a resource, the actual file itself is copied into your project. Visual Studio 6 provides a whole collection of icons in the folder... C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Graphics\Icons To go with tradition, well select the Greek philosopher Aristotles four elements — Earth, Water, Air, and Fire — from the Elements subdirectory. When you add them, the Id is assigned by Visual Studio (101, 102, 103, and 104) automatically. To use the icons in a program, we use a VB 6 Load Resource function. There are several of these functions to choose from: LoadResPicture(index, format)  for bitmaps, icons, and cursors Use the VB predefined constants  vbResBitmap  for bitmaps,  vbResIcon  for icons, and  vbResCursor  for cursors for the format parameter. This function returns a picture that you can use directly.  LoadResData  (explained below) returns a string containing the actual bits in the file. Well see how to use that after we demonstrate icons. LoadResString(index)  for stringsLoadResData(index, format)  for anything up to 64K As noted earlier, this function returns a string with the actual bits in the resource. These are the values that can be used for format parameter here: 1 Cursor resource2 Bitmap resource3 Icon resource4 Menu resource5 Dialog box6 String resource7 Font directory resource8 Font resource9 Accelerator table10 User-defined resource12 Group cursor14 Group icon Since we have four icons in our AboutVB.RES resource file, lets use  LoadResPicture(index, format)  to assign these to the Picture property of a CommandButton in VB 6. I created an application with four  OptionButton  components labeled Earth, Water, Air and Fire and four Click events — one for each option. Then I added a  CommandButton  and changed the Style property to 1 – Graphical. This is necessary to be able to add a custom icon to the CommandButton. The code for each OptionButton (and the Form Load event — to initialize it) looks like this (with the Id and Caption changed accordingly for the other OptionButton Click events): Private Sub Option1_Click()   Ã‚  Ã‚  Command1.Picture _   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  LoadResPicture(101, vbResIcon)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Command1.Caption _   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Earth End Sub Custom Resources The big deal with custom resources is that you normally have to provide a way to process them in your program code. As Microsoft states it, this usually requires the use of Windows API calls. Thats what well do. The example well use is a fast way to load an array with a series of constant values. Remember that the resource file is included into your project, so if the values that you need to load change, youll have to use a more traditional approach such as a sequential file that you open and read. The Windows API well use is the  CopyMemory  API. CopyMemory copies block of memory to a different block of memory without regard to the data type that is stored there. This technique is well known to VB 6ers as an ultra fast way to copy data inside a program. This program is a bit more involved because first we have to create the a resource file containing a series of long values. I simply assigned values to an array: Dim longs(10) As Longlongs(1) 123456longs(2) 654321 ... and so forth. Then the values can be written to a file called  MyLongs.longs  using the VB 6 Put statement. Dim hFile As Long hFile FreeFile() Open _   Ã‚  Ã‚  C:\your file path\MyLongs.longs _   Ã‚  Ã‚  For Binary As #hFile Put #hFile, , longs Close #hFile Its a good idea to remember that the resource file doesnt change unless you delete the old one and add a new one. So, using this technique, you would have to update the program to change the values. To include the file MyLongs.longs into your program as a resource, add it to a resource file using the same steps described above, but click the  Add Custom Resource...  instead of Add Icon... Then select the MyLongs.longs file as the file to add. You also have to change the Type of the resource by right clicking that resource, selecting Properties, and changing the Type to longs. Note that this is the file type of your MyLongs.longs file. To use the resource file you have created to create a new array, first declare the Win32 CopyMemory API call: Private Declare Sub CopyMemory _   Ã‚  Ã‚  Lib kernel32 Alias _   Ã‚  Ã‚  RtlMoveMemory (Destination As Any, _   Ã‚  Ã‚  Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long) Then read the resource file: Dim bytes() As Byte bytes LoadResData(101, longs) Next, move the data from the bytes array to an array of long values. Allocate an array for the longs values using the integer value of the length of the string of bytes divided by 4 (that is, 4 bytes per long): ReDim longs(1 To (UBound(bytes)) \ 4) As Long CopyMemory longs(1), bytes(0), UBound(bytes) - 1 Now,  this may seem like a whole lot of trouble when you could just initialize the array in the Form Load event, but it does demonstrate how to use a custom resource. If you had a large set of constants that you needed to initialize the array with, it would run faster than any other method I can think of and you wouldnt have to have a separate file included with your application to do it.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay on President Hoovers Lack of Action in the 1920s

President Hoover, a determined republican, who faced the impossible task of the Great Depression. The late 1920’s economy was full of superficial prosperity and credit, and an unleveled playing field to most Americans. This causes the fortified nation to unravel at the seams. Speculators were buying on margin and selling at an artificial price. These speculators set up the stock market to plummet. Hoover dwelled his success on his rugged individualism that did not believe in direct federal aid to the people. Hoover should be blames for the worsening of the Great Depression not because he started it, but rather, because he was not able to fix it. Despite having the power of the government behind him, Hoover was unable to launch public†¦show more content†¦Hoover was the type of conservative that believed the economy would repair itself and the dead parts would fall. He refused to give direct federal relief to the people. in business affairs, Hoover kept America as a ru gged individualist, capitalist society with little regulation. In fact, when the depression hit he bailed out the businesses rather than the American people. He established the Reconstructive Finance Corporation, which supplied corporate relief for corporations identified to be too big to fail. He was the first president that used his money made for being the president, for donations to charity. He was living the American Dream. Publicity of being a self-made man torched him when his strategies failed to relinquish the burden of the Great Depression (Hughes 1). The Great Depression was the entire 1920’s in the making. Throughout the twenties, the American people bought goods on credit, but many people were unable to pay back what they had spent. This superficial prosperity was believed to help the economy, but in reality, it weakened the economy by artificially raising the price of stock and causing under consumption in the early 1930’s (Kelly 3). Eventually all of this credit and Speculators caused for the stock market crash, by rigging the economy to fail. High tariffs, like the Hawley-Smoot tariff, caused other nations to be unable to afford trade with America (Kelly 4). The verdict was to buy the expensive AmericanShow MoreRelatedEssay on Roosevelt and Hoover DBQ1428 Words   |  6 Pagespublic view of what constitutes as liberal beliefs versus what is thought to be conservative beliefs shifts in a similar way. Laissez-faire ideas were considered liberal during the 1920s, but the coming of the Great Depression in 1929 altered the American view of liberalism. The American people began to view Hoover’s ideas of the ideal small government to be conservative, while Roosevelt’s progressive policies became the representation of liberalism. Therefore, it can be said that the Great DepressionRead MoreEssay about Roosevelt Vs. Hoover and the Great Depression1658 Words   |  7 Pagestwenties, policies of laissez-faire were considered liberal, radical, revolutionary, and even democratic. This was due to the fact that revolution was a horrifying notion and not until after the laissez-faire and the system of free market fails in the 1920s do people begin to look about for alternatives. The time when people starting to seek alternatives was at the onset of the depression when Americas political views drastically change. As the Great Depression, started in 1929, America began to viewRea d MoreFranklin D. Roosevelt And The Great Depression1337 Words   |  6 PagesUnited States went through a severe period of chaos when the economy collapsed, compelling an abundant amount of individuals into poverty. This period during the early 1930’s is known as the Great Depression. Throughout this period, millions of citizens placed their hope and security in the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt as president. Amidst Franklin’s term, he was able to enhance the nation’s hopes and morale with the invention of the New Deal. The New Deal was able to reconstruct America’s economyRead MoreAmerican Isolationism Essay1668 Words   |  7 PagesDuring the 1920’s, the economy of America was thriving. The First World War had created new jobs and industries; members of society, such as women, were becoming more profound in society and their roles were becoming redefined. The United States was emerging as the industrial giant of the world. To protect the A merican consumers from imported goods from Europe and encourage American products, the government of the United States imposed high tariffs. Essentially, the United States no longer desireRead MoreA Brief Biogarphy of Edgar Hoover741 Words   |  3 Pagesâ€Å"A hero is born in turbulent days.† When President Herbert was first elected as the U.S president, the whole country enjoyed the time of prosperity. During the time, Herbert was considered an idol of ordinary people; he was raised from poor Iowa orphan to one of the most celebrated mining engineers. Even though there were murmurs worrying about that he had never held an elected public office, had a poor political touch, and was too thin-skinned to be an effective politician, most Americans consideredRead MoreThe Great Depression And The Roaring Twenties1614 Words   |  7 PagesThe 1920s, also known as the Post War Era or the Roaring Twenties, is best known for being relaxed and carefree. The idea of economic stability and individual growth became more powerful following World War I. This decade proved to be one of the most exciting times for America. So what caused the 1930’s to differ so much from the 1920s? The Great Depression ultimately destroyed everything the 1920s had achieved, leaving behind a trail of anguish and uncertainty for years to come. Following theRead MoreThe Legacy Of The Great Depression3599 Words   |  15 Pagesunmet; therefore, we must question the true effectiveness of this reformation. Roosevelt is considered to be one of the nation’s greatest and most influential presidents, yet he did not end the great depression as he was expected to. Was FDR as potent as we credit him to be? By exploring society before the depression, comparing presidents prior to FDR, as well as dissecting the success and failures of his New Deal reconstruction, we can analyze and conclude FDR’s true role in healing the nation.Read MoreHerbert Hoover4987 Words   |  20 PagesHerbert Hoover Herbert Clark Hoover was born on August 10, 1874. He was the thirty first president of the United States. Hoovers Term for President was from 1929 to 1933. He was a world-wide known mining engineer and humanitarian administrator. • As the United States Secretary of Commerce in the 1920s under Presidents Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge, he promoted economic modernization. In the presidential election of 1928, Hoover easily won the Republican Nomination. The nation was prosperousRead MoreEssay on The Features of the New Deal2660 Words   |  11 Pageselected in 1932 after the former president Hoover. Roosevelts New Deal was a group of different projects to pull America out of the Depression, and back into the economic boom of the 1920s. The New Deal consisted of direct government action which followed Rooselvelts campaign based on fireside chats, the establishment of alphabet agencies and the pursuit of new social and economic programmes, which were the complete opposite of Hoovers Laissez Faire stance. RooseveltRead MoreHow Far Were the Economic Policies of the Republican Government Mainly Responsible for the Collapse of 1929-33?2370 Words   |  10 Pages1921 and throughout the 1920s, the Republican party were in power. This period of time was known as the roaring twenties due to the huge economic growth that America was facing, it was by not interfering that the Republican Party achieved this level of success. They believed in a laissez-faire style of government and rugged individualism which meant that they didnt interfere and thought everyone could succeed in life without their intervention. Many believe that this lack of interference was the

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Gen X Essay Example For Students

Gen X Essay When seeking information on differences, good and bad, between the Baby Boomers and Generation X, what better experts than my parents. After all they have done the 50’s thru the 90’s. They have seen the different trends and I’m sure attempted to set a few of their own. As the conversation went on about the differences and similarities, we all became passionate about certain aspects of growing up. It started with the clothes, and then television and it got intense when we got to the music. We couldn’t move off the music and onto the next comparisons, which would have been politics and then the effects television has had. Both of which are slightly mentioned in this paper but certainly not in the depth they deserve. When all was said and done about music, I walked away strongly believing that there are those of us who have no doubt that as Don McLain says in his song â€Å"American Pie,† there is truly a day when the music died. The difference of opinion is when did the music die? Was it when Buddy Holly died or Elvis?Was it when Janis Joplin died? Some people say that it was when Jimmy Hendrix died. Some of today’s youth feel it was when Kurt Cobain died. This discussion can go on and on into the next millennium when different names will be added to that list. Each generation will decide for themselves when the music died and they will each be idealistically correct. Socially, we grow from generation to generation. There are different habits that each generation has, but in the end, each generation is the same as the one before and the one before that. One generation just develops different habits. In the end people all want the same thing, but they go about it differently. What was important to the generation of the 60’s, things like peace, banning the bomb, gun control, equality for all are some of the same things this generation is striving for thirty years later. Music, obviously is not the defining moment of any generation, although, it is a powerful one. Each generation has to decide what road to take when it comes to being in sync with the rest of its generation. The decision to watch a particular television show can put a person outside a circle of friends, the clothes or hairstyles can make or break an individual with peers, as well as what a person listens to when it comes to music. In deciding what television shows to watch s people are preparing themselves or should I say molding themselves to how they are going to appear in public. The hairstyle, what clothes to dress in, or as Savan said in her article, how a person will be exploited by the media. As I Love Lucy did in the 50’s, Mod Squad did in the 60’s, Mary Tyler Moore did in the 70’s, Dallas did in the 80’s and 90210 has done in the 90’s. Television has the power to condition a persons mind and guides how, when and where he/she lives. Creative minds like Arron Spelling, who has entertained families for over 20 years with shows that as had an impact on at least two generations and continues to do so. His contributions are many with shows like Dynasty, Dallas, Hotel and 90210. Each of Spellings shows have been highly rated in its day and each one offers premium rates to grab a thirty second advertising spot during the show. Can anyone say that they were not â€Å"mildly† (Maasik and Solomon 215) influenced by the ad campaigns that were shown during the show?An ad for the snacks people were eating often appears while watching popular shows. Children send their parents to the store the next day to pick up a certain pair of jeans, a toy or sneakers. Spelling indirectly molded a generation into a Lays potato chip eating, Jordache jean wearing, twister playing, and converse-wearing consumer. As Spelling had done in the 70’s, we know have David E. .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4 , .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4 .postImageUrl , .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4 , .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4:hover , .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4:visited , .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4:active { border:0!important; } .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4:active , .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4 .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf747a2b747b300d812fa3f996b4dc8c4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Confucianism Essay Kelly who has the same impact on the 90’s with his influence in television. Kelly produces shows such as The Practice, Chicago Hope,

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Future of Montserrat free essay sample

The island of Montserrat is situated upon an underwater volcano created by a destructive plate boundary, with the volcanos peak protruding from the south side of the island by the name of Chances Peak in an area entitled Soufriere Hills (in the Caribbean). For 350 years the volcano had remained dormant; however a few weeks ago, Chances Peak became active again and began to emit dust and ash – warning signs that an eruption was almost imminent. On July 20th 1995 (yesterday) the anticipated eruption occurred, producing numerous quandaries for the surviving residents of Montserrat. Montserratians will experience the social impacts of the eruption; these may be the most direct of all the predicaments they encounter and therefore the most challenging to face. Since the volcanos on the island are perceived as unpredictable, the inhabitants are fearful of another eruption. Though they are presently being transferred to a temporary safe region, it is unknown whether a subsequent eruption would be more severe than the first and raise the figures for the injured or killed (19) unnecessarily. We will write a custom essay sample on Future of Montserrat or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Hence the many who have left the island to reside (maybe permanently) in neighbouring islands, the UK or the USA, however this only applies to the populace that possess sufficient funds to do so. The safe regions are reportedly extremely crowded; consequently, with the low sanitation levels, the spread of disease will accelerate. Also, farmers are unable to farm due to constricted land and the devastating environmental impacts of the volcano. If the more wealthy (we can assume the more educated) no longer choose to reside in the island, a ‘brain drain’ will transpire, leaving farmers and communities with small businesses that rely on tourism on Montserrat, though if eruptions cease and the volcano becomes dormant again, life for the farmers could improve as over time the soil of the area would be very fertile. As a result of the ‘brain drain’ there would be an absence of teachers; therefore the children on Montserrat would not be able to learn for a period of time. Moreover, a deficiency of doctors and hospital personnel would leave many people in need of medical help unattended to. Furthermore, persons already residing in the north of the island would have to compromise with the new displaced people; this may cause some feuds over pace etc†¦ The GDP and GNP of Montserrat are predicted to face dramatic cutbacks due simply to the loss of people on the island, and the lack of income from farmers who do not have access to land they can farm on, or businesses that have been destroyed – which is common as many companies were positioned in Plymouth – a city that was completely covered by ash and soon after finished off by deadly pyroclastic flows. If the GDP and GNP do fall, citizens who have decided to stay will be significantly poorer, and therefore may not be able to pay taxes. In addition, a vast sum would have to be paid in damages to property and the building of temporary displaced peoples camps. Due to ash clouds, airports would be closed down, and airlines would have to pay massive amounts in lost revenues. Conversely, industries for other forms of transport (such as shipping companies) would benefit, as passengers search for alternatives to flying. The frequency of imports and exports would not decrease massively as a mere 1% of trade in the UK occurs on flights. Also, (elaborating on the point of aid given by other countries above) since the Montserrat was included in the Federal Colony of British Leeward Islands, the UK may offer some financial support to help improve the islands economy if the damage to it is serious enough. Additionally, the volcano has had colossal impacts on the environment (both positive and negative). Firstly, the ash has suffocated many of the flora and fauna, furthermore, the pyroclastic flow and lahars have killed all life (excluding human) within a 2km radius. Carbon dioxide emitted from the volcano is predicted by scientists to contribute to the greenhouse effect, sulphur dioxide expected to cause environmental issues as sulphur in the stratosphere is the main cause of acid rain. Nonetheless, as a result of two thirds of the islands population predicted to leave the island) the flora and fauna may flourish as there will be less human activity and settlements, leaving nature to itself without interference from machines, factories, and other forms of pollution. The land and soil affected by the volcano will also become fertile, which will, in turn, enhance the growth of plants and trees after an amount of time, and allow them to regrow. The slopes of Chances peak after the eruption are reportedly steeper than before, which will promote growth of delicate, and rare plants can grow with the protection of the slope. The volcano is also expected to alter the weather around Montserrat, causing rain, thunder and lighting. Sea temperatures have reportedly risen, killing some species that rely on specific living conditions, also silting in rivers or lakes has forced boats to stop navigating them as the depth is insufficient. On political terms, and elaborating on the point made above concerning tax and its correspondence with the lack of people on the island, the amount of tax received by the government would decrease too, resulting in a government prone to corruption. Moreover, the government may not be considered fit to run the country by its people, and may be voted out. The government of Montserrat may be forced to relinquish their independency, and amalgamate with another country to become part of their nation (a plausible example would be Montserrat re-joining Britain). On the topic of short term needs, a few that exist are food and drink, and temporary residency areas. Since the eruption would have most likely demolished many of the populace’s properties, and belongings, they will need an alternative place to stay such as the safe zone which has been arranged in the north of the island and is one third of the islands size, compressing hundreds into a tiny space. The government would also be burdened with the task of providing sufficient food and drink for the residents as they would have no means of income, or a market area to buy their own. Medical aid has also become necessary, however not as much as expected as (thankfully) most who occupied the most affected areas had been evacuated before the eruption. Long term necessities will help sustain lives devoid of poverty and hunger for the people of Montserrat. An example of a need which will help the populace in the ‘long run’ is loans to restart businesses and companies citizens had lost in the pyroclastic flows or ash. Furthermore, the government or a country aiding Montserrat could assist by building an early detection system or research facility, to identify when future eruptions may occur, therefore allowing time to prepare. MEDC’s like the USA or the UK might be reviewing plans to assist through the means of creating rehabilitation programmes, or even allowing the people of Montserrat to apply for permanent residency; this would solve the problem or relocating people to live their lives in a safe location.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Gender Determination in 19th Century Latin America essays

Gender Determination in 19th Century Latin America essays "To develop to a higher, better, or more advanced stage" is how progress is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary. During the late 19th century, Latin America, in particular, was striving to do just what this definition states. From copying other countries ideas to living more luxurious lives, the majority of Latin America was ready to progress and thrive as a whole. However, in opposition, a number of people resisted progress because they were content with the lives they lived and did not see a reason for change. Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon by Jorge Amado is a prime example of progress in the 19th century. While reading the novel, the reader can see the resistance, as well as the push for progress, and understand how different sectors within a town in Latin America reacted to change. This was an exciting time in Latin America, due to a flourishing economy, technological advances, roads being built, newspapers published, and much more. However, many people did not know how to change as quickly as society A good example of this is gender determination, which is defined as, "in the realm of work and employment, the way in which jobs and professions are determined based on the sex of those involved". Men were in charge and as a wife, a woman obeyed. Men lived based off of a strong sense of masculine pride, power and strength, while women were seen as inferior, almost like a prize. Many men did not want this role to change, so as progress happened materially, some aspects of society did not progress as quickly. Even though sectors of society resisted change, progress was being discussed everywhere and anywhere. "Progress was the word heard most often in Ilheus and Itabuna at the time. It was on everyone's lips. It appeared constantly in the daily and weekly newspapers. It came up again and again in the discussions at the Model Stationary Store and in the bars and cabare...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Expectations of gender roles are detrimental to our society Essay

Expectations of gender roles are detrimental to our society - Essay Example This essay "Expectations of gender roles are detrimental to our society" outlines the positive and negative effect of the gender role and accompanying expectations on the society. From man’s early childhood years, gender role expectations already dominate both genders. The pretty pink colors are for girls, and the â€Å"boyish† shade of blue are for boys. As they progress in their physical development, their toys are gradually differentiated from each other. According to the Pan Health Organization (PAHO), a regional office of the World Health Organization (p. 1), by age five, most children already know how to be boys and how to be girls. They know which toys to play with, which clothes to wear, which colors to choose, and whether or not they should cry or hit back (PAHO, p. 1). These gender roles and expectations assigned to children have serious implications on their future—most of them negative. Their access to food and education, participation in the workforc e, their relationships, as well as their physical and psychological health are all impacted by these gender expectations and stereotypes. In a study by the WHO (PAHO, p. 1), the agency points out that gender role expectations impact on people’s access to food. The study pointed out that in many countries, girls manifest with lower nutritional health and a decreased access to food as compared to their male counterparts (PAHO, p. 1). Such limited access for girls is highly detrimental to their health and their future development. Girls’ nutritional deficiencies also contribute to their vulnerabilities to childhood illnesses. Their vulnerability also exposes them to physical and sexual abuse (PAHO, p. 1). They also become vulnerable to decreased access to health services. Based on various reports, more often than not, girls’ health conditions turn worse before they are actually brought to the hospital or to a doctor for medical attention. In some developing nations, the mortality rate for girls are higher as compared to boys’ (Elsa). In terms of education, girls are often less likely to be sent to school. They are mostly kept at home to assist in the household chores and other duties. In effect, they are also learning from their mothers how to take care of the male family members – how to cook, mend clothes, clean house, do laundry, and other household duties (PAHO, p. 2). As a result, these girls would likely be stuck in the same pattern in which their mothers and other women befor e them have been stuck in – unable to have careers and other less domestic possibilities in their lives. In some areas like Africa where the HIV/AIDS afflicts a large number of the population, these girls are often