Saturday, May 16, 2020

Things They Carried Essay A Cultural Studies Approach to...

A Cultural Studies Approach to Enemies in The Things They Carriednbsp;nbsp; nbsp; Two men who fight over a jackknife in Enemies, a chapter in Tim OBriens work, The Things They Carried.nbsp; A cultural studies approach to Enemies allows the reader to look much deeper into the meaning of the events that unfold in Enemies. nbsp;The fight over the knife could very well reflect the events occurring in society during that time.nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; In short, Enemies is about two men, Lee Strunk and Dave Jensen, who are battling not only in a war but with each other.nbsp; They were viciously fighting about a missing jackknife.nbsp; A question that the reader might ask themselves is, why†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; After one considers these facts, they can begin to see why the brawl occurred.nbsp; The two characters in Enemies were not only fighting a war but fighting with each other.nbsp; OBrien best describes this when he says, No safe ground:nbsp; enemies everywhere. (OBrien 63).nbsp; This means exactly what it says.nbsp; There were enemies everywhere because they were fighting with each other.nbsp; There was no where to run to, hence No safe ground.nbsp; Everywhere they looked and everywhere they were, there was fighting.nbsp; How can solders successfully fight a war when they are fighting with each other?nbsp; They cannot.nbsp; They were even using gu ns, not just their fists.nbsp; So, it was fighting two completely different wars. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; One can even look at this short story and conclude that the events taking place mirror the events inShow MoreRelatedFicticious First Contact2169 Words   |  9 Pagessettlers were driven by the desire for expansion and economic development. They considered resistance to their advancement to be futile as the notion of â€Å"manifest destiny† was intended to prevail. At the heart of manifest destiny is self-proclaimed cultural and racial superiority. 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